Html Basics

Html Basics


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to lay the structure of a webpage or website. You can know the brief history of HTML HERE.


Making an analogy : Using a sandwich let's explain html codes. html_sandwich.PNG A sandwich consists of two slices of bread with fillings between (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, vegetables, cucumber and tomatoes). Similarly, HTML files contains elements of contents between tags. :-)

  • An HTML file must have the extension .html or .htm: To save an HTML file, one must save it with .html extention e.g index.html, TemiTech.html e.t.c.
  • HTML files are made up of tags :opening tags e.g <html>, <p>, <b>, <a>and closing tags e.g </html>, </p>, </body>
  • HTML codes are not case sensitive
  • An HTML file must have the following structure:

<title> Title of Html file goes here </title>

  contents goes here


Let's examine the above code snippet

HTML tags are keywords that are used to tell a browser how to format and display contents. Let's examine the above tags

  • <!DOCTYPE HTML> This is not regarded as an HTML tag. It tells the browser the type of document i.e An html type of document.
  • <html> and </html> This is the opening and closing html tags, it tells the browser where the html document/code begins and ends respectively.

  • <head> and </head> This is the opening and closing head tags. It contains data information about the file like title, CSS link and metadata.

  • <body> and </body> this is the opening and closing body tags. It contains many other tags like <p></p>, <b></b>, <a>, e.t.c.


  • <p></p> : It tells the browser that the contents between is a paragraph.

  • <b></b> : It tells the browser that the content between should be made bold.

  • <i></i> and <em></em>: They tell the browser to italise or emphasize the content between them.

  • Heading files : they are six in number <h1></h1>,<h2></h2>,<h3></h3>,<h4></h4>,<h5></h5> and <h6></h6> .

  • <a></a>: It tells the specifies a link to the browser.

  • <br/>: It tells the browser to give a line break.
  • <hr/>:It tells the browser to make an horizontal line.
  • <img/>:It tells the browser to include an image.
  • Lists: There are two basic lists in HTML.Ordered lists <ol></ol> and Unordered lists <ul></ul>

And many others.


Now let's implement what we've discussed above:

1- Open a text editor e.g Notepad, Notepad++, Visual Studio code, Sublime text e.t.c. You can download one HERE for laptops or HERE for androids.

2- Create a new file and save it as first.html

3- Write or copy the following code into your file


<title>My first HTML file</title>


<h1> My first HTML file </h1>

<p> I am writing my first HTML code </p>

<h2> About Me </h2>

<p> Hey i'm <b>Temitayo Olorunfemi</b>. I am a <em>Programmer</em>. 

<h3>My hobby </h3>

<li> Coding</li>
<h4> Here are my favorite subjects</h4>

<li>Arabic </li>

To know more about me, visit <a href="">HERE</a>


4- Save your file using CTRL+S.

5- Now open your file in a browser by following this steps

  • Press CTRL+O
  • search for your file first.html
  • Left click on it once
  • Then right click
  • Choose open with >
  • Choose your favorite browser to open it with.

NOTE: There are other ways to open your file in a browser, but this is most recommended for beginners.


my first html file.PNG

Change some Contents on the code file by replacing Temitayo Olorunfemi with your name, hobbies and other things to see how it works. Save the changes (CTRL+S) and then reload your browsers to implement your changes.

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