Introduction To Programming 2

Introduction To Programming 2

Programming languages

PREREQUISITE- Introduction to programming 1

To keep it simple...

1-What is a programming language ? :

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A programming language is that which follows some rules or syntax; made by man(artificially made); to control or send instructions to the computer. Programming languages are used to communicate with the computer. Don't worry, you'll understand better as we move!! :)

2-Why programming languages:

Making an analogy--let's say an English man has a business meeting with a Chinese man, but they both can't understand each other. The options for solution is either one learns the other's language or they hire a translator who understands both languages.


Similarly, the computer only understands 0s and 1s. Therefore to communicate and give instructions to it, you'll either learn it's language(binary language) or you use a translator to convey your English related codes to what the computer understands better (either ways, using programming languages).


3- Types of Programming languages:

There are two types of programming languages:


- Low level languages: Low level languages are programming languages the computer understands and languages closer to the computer understanding i.e Binary language- 1s & 0s and Assembly languages e.g RISC, DSP e.t.c respectively.Click here to understand more

- High level languages: High level languages are programming languages closer to the human language. They are divided into two- Procedural programming(e.g BASIC, C, FORTRAN e.t.c) and Object Oriented Programming ((OOP)- e.g Java, C++, python e.t.c ).Click here to understand more

4- Languages required for different sectors in coding and programming:

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  • WEB DEVELOPMENT: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, python, E.T.C
  • APP DEVELOPMENT: Java, Swift, Dart, Python E.T.C -CYBER-SECURITY: Linux, python, C++, E.T.C
  • AI, ML & Data science: Python, Java, Lisp E.T.C

What programming language should i begin with?:

step-taking.PNG Knowing what language to begin with will be made more easier if you know your interest in programming. Finding your interest (e.g Game development, web development E.T.C) would make your beginning in programming a little less stressful!.

YES-You can also be a programmer.