Introduction to  web development

Introduction to web development

1- What is web development? :

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Web development is the work involved in creating, building and designing a website for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network).Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web applications, electronic businesses, and social network services. --wikipedia.

2- Web designer vs Web developer :

web design or web development.PNG let's differentiate by defining them:

  • Web designing: Web designing has to do with the visual feel or look and usability of a website layout, information flow, and everything else related to the visual aspects of the UI/UX (user interface and user experience). They have skills like graphic designing, UI/UX designing, logo designs e.t.c.

  • Web development: Web development deals with the building, creating and maintaining of websites using codes. It involves creating websites using codes like HTML, CSS, e.t.c.

3- Types of web developers :

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There are three(3) types of web developers :

  • Front-end developers: Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly.-- wikipedia. This is done using HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript.

  • Back-end developers: Back-end developers are the experts who build and maintain the mechanisms that process data and perform actions on websites also known as server-side development. Unlike front-end developers, who control everything you can see on a website, back-end developers are involved in data storage, security e.t.c of the website.-- wikipedia. This is done using python, Java, SQL e.t.c.

  • Full-stack web developers: They have skills of both front-end and back-end developers. They use and know languages used by front and back and developers.

4- Reasons to go into web development :

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  • It’s fun and creative
  • You can become a freelancer
  • It has a future in the advancing world e.t.c

5- Tools needed to begin web development :

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  • A computer - laptop or smart phone
  • Text editor or code editor e.g VScode, sublime e.t.c
  • Browser
  • Skills needed(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, python, e.t.c).

You are set to begin you web development journey!